
Showing posts from February, 2007

Don't get me started!

Too late! I'm started. Love, sex, religion & politics seem to be the things I think about most often. They have developed a complex interrelationship in our culture, and they have in recent years resulted in unhealthy divisions among our fellow human beings. We now have liberals battling conservatives, fundamentalists battling gays, Muslims battling Jews and Christians (in the name of God, no less!), moralizers battling the allegedly wicked, and more. The key to resolving these divisions is love. Pure, absolute, unconditional love. At first this may seem too simplistic for our complex world. But because God is Love, love is really is the foundation of everything. Love is the basis of all life. As a practical matter, without love we have no real basis for law and order. Paul said  "Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law." Romans 13:10 Over the course of this journal I hope to find practical applications of lo